Why I am Nervous and Excited About Attending The Great American Beer Fest for The First Time


It’s here. The Great American Beerfest is here, and I will be attending. I am nervous, but I am also crazy excited. I want to keep this short, but I will tell you why I am nervous and excited.


  1. Overly Drunk:  Because I don’t want to get too drunk and end up on the ground pissy and in a puddle of vomit like the people, I stepped over at the beer fest in Los Angeles. While that does sound like a hell of a good time, and I have self-control I don’t want to have one strong beer too many.
  2. Going solo: I do everything solo, and this is only my 3rd beer fest and my second solo this is 10 times bigger than the others I’ve been to. I do wish my travel buddy could be with me, but life happens, and I will be filling my face full of brew all weekend, so I probably won’t remember who I’m with regardless.
  3. GABF Rookie– I am a Rookie to the Great American Beer fest and I know that we all must start somewhere so here I am. I don’t really know too many people in the beer world to get advice from about the fest and I am also still trying to figure out which day to go but if you read this give me some tips to conquer my first GABF.


Now that I have given you the reasons, I am nervous I will explain why I am excited.

Going Solo– Well, I am excited because I am going solo, and I can be on my own time. If I decide to get pissy drunk and lay in a puddle of vomit, I can do so in peace in my room without judgement.

Networking – It’s going be fun being around like-minded people who have a thing for beer tasting and breweries.

The experience– Denver is one of my favorite cities in the world so being a Rook at such a large beer fest should be a blast. I love the city already so even if the fest is shitty, I still get to experience it in Denver.

I am new to the GABF. I find pride in conquering beer fest no matter the size. I also just found out about all the other events in the area this week so this should all be a blast. I am excited about meeting new people in the beer community so when you see me welcome me with open arms and or with full cans.

There you have it. I’ll be keeping my social media updated @i_drinkbrew with my journey, so be sure to follow me and provide some tips on how to make the most of my first experience at the Great American Beerfest.